A Spell Cat Lovers Can Use

A Spell Cat Lovers Can Use

 For people who consider it to be a sign of good luck headed their way when a black cat crosses their path, they should find that the following spell works quite well for them. You are going to need the following: A burin or bolline Blue taper candle Wihte altar candle Amber or citrine crystals … Read more

A Spell For Asking The Leaves

A Spell For Asking The Leaves

 This is really more a ritual than it is a spell. However, it does have a long history. Trees have been a significant aspect of magic making most likely since before the time of the Druids. If you live close to a pine forest that is best. However, you can use any wood. Avoid doing … Read more

A Spell Asking For Kindness

A Spell Asking For Kindness

 Most of the things that are associated with bees such as – their royal jelly, pollen, honey and wax – are believed to have magical powers and may be used for delivering a magical message. The roots of this spell are in voodoo. Honey is used to encourage a person to treat you with kindness. … Read more

A Spell For Casting on a Beach

A Spell For Casting on a Beach

 This is another spell that asks for money and a spell that you cast on the beach. These days we have so many financial pressures, so why not? Anything that can provide the bank balance with a boost is sure to be welcome. The spell should be cast at sunset. You are going to need … Read more

The Perfect Spell Book

The Perfect Spell Book

 Paganism has seen a rise in followers over the years with over 300,000 being listed in America’s census. This begins to highlight the importance of an in-depth spell book to maximize one’s interest in witchcraft. Those who are not aware of these intricacies are going to see poor results. Where does one begin? It all … Read more

The Salem Witch Trials Facts

The Salem Witch Trials Facts

 Blaise Pascal once said that men never do evil so cheerfully and completely as when they do it from religious conviction. This statement rings true particularly with the witch trials in Salem. The 1692 Salem Witch Trials represent a dark period in American history. By the time all the idiocy had ended, over 200 people … Read more

Magic Rite Incantations, Do They Work?

Magic Rite Incantations, Do They Work?

 The use of a shape that is sacred is also utilized by ritualistic magicians. These names as well as a host of other phrases and spells help achieve an ultimate will power that causes a magician to focus on the task at hand, be it to bring boils to a specific body part of a … Read more