Enchanting Hearts: A Cheerful Guide to Love Spells
Spark Joy: Unleash Love with Playful Spells! Your guide to love spells that work
Love spells can be some of the most powerful spells there are. This is simply because love is one of the most powerful energies a witch can tap into. Please make sure you know what you want when you are using these spells.
Spark Joy: Unleash Love with Playful Spells! Your guide to love spells that work
In Wicca, as in many spiritual paths, it’s considered unethical to interfere with another person’s free will. Spells to make someone love you are typically frowned upon because they attempt to impose your will on another person, effectively taking away their choice. The core ethical guideline in Wicca is the Wiccan Rede, which states, “An … Read more
I am going to introduce you not only a spell for this but also a spell to continue relationships after they have been established. After all, there really is no sense in creating amazing connections if you are not willing to work and keep a solid relationship going after you have made your choice, is there?
Verus Diligo — A Spell for True Love Warning: This spell should only be used as intended and not to “induce or control” anybody to love you. If you take a spell to restrain someone, look elsewhere, for this spell is designed to bring your true love to you, which may or might not be … Read more
A functioning love spell warning extremely powerful and real. Casting Instructions for ‘Love Me’ Cut one of the apples in half. Wash the knife then carefully cut yourself. Drip your blood one half of the apple. Cut a lock of your hair(yes using the same knife) Place the bloody apple half and hair onto the … Read more
If you want to ‘refresh’, enhance, grow the warmth and love in a relationship you in, there is a ritual, which looks like the rituals of customs. Casting Directions for ‘Love for Couples’ You can easily do this while youre or if its time – go for a weekend trip. If you live near some … Read more
Use this spell to convince them to leave, if you are in a bad relationship you can not quite get rid of. Perform during the waning moon. Casting Directions for ‘Divorce/Break up’ Take out the two of the other persons, your significator and cups. If you’re in a same-sex relationship and the 2 of cups … Read more
A comprehensive fire and blood love Charm Casting Instructions for ‘Fire and Blood’ Cast your circle in your casting distance (casting a circle is optional). Put your pentacle in the center of your circle (if you have a pentacle). Set the candle in the middle of the pentacle (in case you dont have a pentacle … Read more
A spell to make two people get divorecd. Casting Instructions for ‘Divorce Spell’ This is a symbolic magick. . Make two clay figures of a male and a female about 5 tall. So the two clay figurines represent the man and the woman itself and it must be believed by you. . Now bind the … Read more
All’s fair in love and war. If your lover treated you poorly, then broke up with you, use this spell to receive your revenge. This spell is specifically for women to throw on guys, but you can substitute the ingredients where appropriate for any sex you like. Casting Instructions for ‘Punish a Lover for Leaving … Read more