Love Me Spell


A functioning love spell warning extremely powerful and real.

You may need the following items for this spell:

1 knife
2 apples
1 roll of tin foil
1 small box tin or wooden
2 red roses
Matches (not lighter)
1 small red candle
1 small pink candle

Casting Instructions for ‘Love Me’

Cut one of the apples in half. Wash the knife then carefully cut yourself. Drip your blood one half of the apple. Cut a lock of your hair(yes using the same knife)

Place the bloody apple half and hair onto the tin foil. Pull one rose apart toss out the stem. Place the petals on the foil. Do the exact same with the other increased *WAIT* cut again drip each petal with your blood just once. Set the petals aside.

Fold the tin foil into a small square. Find a dirt path. Clear it entirely. For females * carve your name in the pink candle with your own fingernails and his in the red candle *For men* carve your name in the red candle and hers in the pink candle.

Light the candles (Warning do not use a lighter). Wrap the tin foiled square in anything that burns. Light the material it is wrapped in. Sit in front on the three flames and stare at them consider the one you love dont lose attention from them.

When the candles are completely gone (this could take up too four hours notice how I said SMALL) put out the flame. Wait for the foil to cool. When it cool enough to tough recover the contents. Put them in the box. Then place the bloody rose petals in the box.

Take the second apple carve Love me my soulmate For true enjoys bliss is all I feel for the Love me Love me Love me now and forever carefully using the same knife you used to cut yourself. Hollow out the apple like a pumpkin on Halloween but more closely. Place the apple in the box. Lock the box and set it in a secure area.

On the next month: Return to the site of the fire. Dig a hole three feet I foot wide And two feet deep. . Put the box in the hole. Cover it with dirt. Wait until exactly midnight. Then set a fire over the hole. Chant the identical thing you carved on the apple 10 times while staring at the flames. Wait 1 week. Recover the box. If you performed the ritual correctly your love will love you in return the next month.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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