

An article about protecting.

You will need the following items for this spell:


Casting Directions for ‘Shields'

Shielding is one of the most important tools any witch, mage, sorcerer, necromancer etc. has at their call. Shields shield from enemy attack but can shield from your own mistakes. Not only can you use them to protect yourself but other people and inanimate objects as well.

To throw a shield you have to first make sure you are properly grounded and secure. Calm yourself, meditate until you find yourself calm then delve deep into yourself till you find your center. Then drawing straight down discover the line linking your center to the earth and envision it strengthening until you feel as if you are immovable. Strong. Now gather up your energies and slowly push them out evenly around your body until you have the shape you desire. (most people prefer a Type of bubble shape but there are some who have more form fitting shields)

As soon as you have your shields in place you need to tie them to their source. Visualize yourself pulling a line of electricity out of yourself and tying it into the defenses providing them with constant energy. Now you've got your defenses its time to talk about which type of shields you require.
Shields can be made to respond to attack in about any way you can imagine they're literally limited only by your imagination. The Common types are:

Wall: Literall a hard shell protection. Simply visualize the shields solidifing around you creating an inpenatrable wall closing you in and keeping you safe.

Reflective: A lighter shield this shield must remain fluid the energyies constantly fluid while the outer surface takes on a mirrored look causing any energy to hit it be reflected out and away from you.

Transmutative: This shield while still a protection around you the bubble forms alomost a black hole exterior that when attacked simply absorbs the energy and uses it to fuel itself. This is normally used as a supplemental shield underneath a bigger stronger barrier. ** This is highly innovative I strongly suggest obtaining detailed instruction from myself or someone knowledgable before using this kind. **

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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