Get a Sibling!


This spell will get you a sibling. They will be adopted.

You will need the following items for this spell:

A hair from your head. A flower or a leaf, if it's a boy or a girl. A sheet of paper A clear, empty, plastic jar (BPA free is recommended, but you can use any bottle). Lucky charms (dice, ladybird drawings, 7 of something lucky) (optional). Belief.

Casting Directions for ‘Get a Sibling!'

This spell is quite complicated and long, so I hope you are able to read this carefully and slowly.

Pick a flower or a leaf from outside and place it in the bottle.
Add the hair. Then write the following on the piece of paper:

Peto a multa di deaeque dent, ut benedicat puer potius eligendum et ad familiam meam in aestimatione excipienda. Ego curo ut illis se defendat atque in tempore opportuno. Sic fiat et benedicti omnes liberos.

(It's basically latin for saying you ask the gods and goddesses for a child to be embraced and welcomed to your dwelling. In turn, you must care for them, protect them and help them whenever they need help.)

Roll up the bit of paper and place that in the bottle too.
To boost your luck of your wish coming true, put a drawing of 7 ladybirds to the bottle, a penny, a four-leaf clover or dice to the jar! (These are thought to bring good luck! Search this up, if you don't believe me.) You can even do all of them at once if you want.

Next, you must go outdoors to a quiet place, like your garden or an area that isn't visited often in a local park (take the bottle with you!) . This must be done when the moon is waxing (getting larger, for the people who do not understand moon phases yet) or when it is a full moon. This may be done anytime.

If there are any hills of dips in the terrain, then locate the centre of it and put your jar there. Take the lid off and place it upright, then state the following.

Opus domus Dei in filios. Peto a dis adoptabimur puer et ad parentes, ut sit crescere eorum natura identification habente, cum consilio atque afflatu idcirco pertinet de domo mea.
Ego promitto tibi hunc puerum quemquam esse minus deditum cum cura et orate deos, ut mei ex velle quod sit vera. Ego tantum volo facio bonum est illis. Sic fiat et benedicti omnes liberos.

(again, it is latin for saying that you ask of the gods to let a child be adopted by your parents to allow them to develop care from your loved ones and you promise to care for the child too. You pray to the gods that your wish may come true)

Leave your bottle there (you may keep the lid) overnight and check if it is there the following day. If it is your wish will come true! The words you spoke have been spoken and have floated up to the gods. They believe you've done enough good in your life to deserve a sibling. If it isn't, your bottle has been taken from the gods! You have not done enough good to deserve a sibling. Try again when the moon is waxing again.


Now you can take the bottle home, but every month when the moon is waxing, you need to say the prayer again before your sibling arrives! Try to focus on all the good things that happen with them on your dreams. Focus on your parents agreeing to adopt a child. With sufficient belief and focusing, your wish will come true!

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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