Bottle of Love


So as to attract love towards you and preserve it.

You may need the following items for this spell:

1 pink glass jar or pot
Flowers and petals of dried or fresh flowers
grasses (mint, rosemary, thyme, bark of orange) dried or fresh
Honey (approximately 1/4 of cup)
White alcohol (approximately 1 cup of Vodka, Gin or Rum)
pink wax

Casting Directions for ‘Bottle of Love’

Fill your bottle with the flowers and grasses, and while adding them focus on its delights, love and the people you like. Pay careful attention to maintaining your ideas on the joy of love and the joys since these are, to some extent that the thoughts you’ll place in the bottle.
Mix the alcohol and honey before pouring the whole.

Next, fill the bottle with water and seal it with wax carefully.

Take the bottle on your hands and speak aloud the following:

“I filled my bottle with thoughts of love and affection.
They’re there now for always and they’ll attract towards me feelings and love soft so that I’m always loved”.

When you sense ill feelings visit your bottle and agitate it gently. This will re-activate the enchantment.

This article was contributed by User22501
Added to Spells Of Magic

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