This charm will turn you into a fairy in only one week. People who did this spell have to have time for their wings and powers to develop. Also, your wings are easily hideable so if you are going somewhere, you can hide them. But beware of the mysterious team named AWTOK!
Bowl Pretty flower with lots of petals Green grass Lake water or river water Pretty gem Something that means something to you Strand of YOUR hair Belief Concentration
Casting Instructions for ‘Turn to a Beautiful Fairy’
Proceed to a flow of water or a lake of water and get half of the bowl you are using.
Sit in front of the lake or stream and pick off each of the flowers petals and say this while dropping each petal in:
I want to be a fairy.
Say that for as how many petals are on that flower such as: if you picked off 4 petals, then you say that 4 times.
Dip in each strand of grass saying:
I’ll care for my entire world.
Really mean that.
Put in the pretty gem and say:
Fairies listen now! I have a desire!
The gem and the words catch their attention and they will begin listening.
Put in the strand of hair and say:
I give you my great DNA, to show you I am no harm.
Really mean they wont listen and they will avoid you.
Say this spell and every word you speak that they like to hear, they will get one step closer:
Fairies, fairies the brightest of them all! Grant my wish so that I can become one of you! I do no damage to the earth, I will care for my friends and I promise, I won’t hurt anything gorgeous to you. Please listen and give my desire so mote it be!
After the spell, take out the stone,grass and petals and drink the water with the hair in it. It All!
After drinking the water, behave like a fairy. Make it look like you’re one with the earth and the fairies will select if you are good enough to become one of their tribe. When you go to bed tonight, think of fairies and go to sleep. The fairies might wake you up and give you a bracelet that shrinks you and turns you into a fairy. If they dont, try again and they might give you the bracelet. Once you have the bracelet, bid the fairies goodbye and return to sleep. In the morning, put on the bracelet and keep it on for 7 days to demonstrate the fairies you deserve that bracelet. After 7 days, keep the bracelet onand go outside. Call for the fairies and they’ll come out and they’ll tell you to say a particular spell. Once the spell is said, you’ll shrink down and turn you into a fairy. The fairies will provide you a house and will give you a tour. Once done exploring, take the bracelet off and you’ll become human again. Go find the gem and give it to the fairies and they may give you one special power that matches your ability. 1 gem= one power. Be blessed and message me for any unusual side effects! -MagicSparklz
it is so scary and i never seen one awork befor awoks are from star wars and
how do they look like
Does it actually work,is it real?
Is it sin for a (catholic) christain to say and do this spell? Because when I die I don’t want to go to hell! Please tell me!