The Bitter Sweet Curse


If you feel someone has annoyed you enough, perhaps this will help. With this curse, Hecate will look after any issues with that person.

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 black candle 2 white candles A pentacle A chalice or a cup Red white or fruit juice Cinnamon incense Something sharp Salt Bay leaves A dead plant Pumpkin oil A container A slip of paper A pen

Casting Directions for ‘The Bitter Sweet Curse'

Cast this spell at night. Use the sharp item to carve the first initial of your victims title on the black candle. Light the incense and the candles. Compose I invoke Hecate on the slip of paper. Put the bay leaves, a sprinkle of this dead plant, the slip of paper, a few drops of pumpkin oil, and a small handful of salt in the container.

Next, place the container (otherwise known at this stage as you sin bomb) on the pentacle. Fill cup or out the chalice with red wine or fruit juice. Add a pinch of salt into the chalice or cup. Say, I drink of the Spirits and I ask for the ability to not hate those who hate (and annoy) me. Drink the juice or wine. It All. In the end, hide the container somewhere where youll hardly see it. With this, the curse is complete.
Undoing the curse:
Light the exact same black or dark candle with the first on it. Take the container out. Fill the chalice or cup with wine or juice. Say, I drink of the Spirits and I ask for the ability to not hate those who hate (and annoy) me. Drink the wine or juice. Blow out the candle. Take the container out and dump out everything inside the container. With that, the curse is broken.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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