As it says
1 Little Handheld Mirror 3 Candles Rose Oil Patchouli Incense A Little Privacy
Casting Instructions for ‘Magic Mirror of Beauty'
Select one colour for the effect, or mix and match to get a little each:
Red if you're going for sex appeal.
Silver if you want to bethe centre of focus an display star-quality charisma.
Orange if you are going for general attractiveness and likeability.
On a night when the moon is full, find a secluded outdoor spot. Light your three candles and your incense. Disrobe and anoint your body's parts with the rose oil you would like to change. By way of instance, if you think your feet are too big, anoint the tops of each foot. If you are aiming for an all over make-over, then anoint your forehead, your breast bone, the center of your stomach, each wrist and behind each knee. Pass the mirror through the smoke of the incense, then lift it on your head, reflective surface facing the moon.
Wood and Wind, Ember and Mist
Grant your blessed childs wish
Sacred Mother bill this mirror
Let your light make attractiveness clearer
Wrap it into your gentle glow.
So that tis all it shows.
Reduce the mirror and gaze into it. Visualize the way you wish to look, and how you want others to see and react to you. Repeat the following:
As a blossom in your glade
Let my beauty never fade.
Now, use the mirrors reflective coating to shine the moonlight on the place(s) you want to make more pleasing to the eye. When you're done, wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and keep it safe. If the mirror is broken, so also will be the spell. Snuff the candles, dress and let the incense burn out.
For an extra boost, like before a big date, business meeting or audition, annoint yourself again with rose oil and spend 10 minutes gazing into the mirror. While doing this, concentrate on the things you find attractive about yourself and the things you want others to see when they look at you.