Beauty Spell


This charm makes you more pretty than you think, just follow the instruction below.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Pink Candle
Picture of the portion of body or your face that you want to modify.

Casting Instructions for ‘Beauty Spell’

On a full moon, take a mirror and go outdoors. (If you cant then open a window, be sure that the moon is reflected on the mirror) Take a piece of a picture (Hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) put it on the mirror and focus on it and say:

Moonshine, Starlight, let your light is carried by the wind, let my body is covered by your shine, and let every eye is covered by your shine.

Say it 3 times and focus on the part that you want to change, Then say…

Moonshine, Starlight, shape and mold my body, as a rose is granted beauty, let me blossom on your light, the light which brings beauty to me, and give attractiveness to me three times three

Say it 3 times and when you’re finished light a candle (pink) or incense.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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