This spell is to capture someone’s energy and put their life on hold. It doesn’t really cause any harm, but they won’t be able to really get anything accomplished before it is broken or you end the curse
2 glass jars with lids (a little one which fits inside the larger one)
3 cloves of garlic
A few pinches of wood ash
A few pinches of dirt
White paper and a black marker
Casting Directions for ‘garlic bane’
Choose your jars so the little one will fit completely inside the large one, including when lids are around. A pickle jar and a little jam jar would work fine, for example.
Use a heavy black marker (no pencil or ball point), to draw a pentacle on a sheet of paper, then cut it out to fit inside the base of the big jar. Put the cloves inside the smaller jar, and tighten the lid. Repeat the initial words of the spell:
Moon will wax, moon will wane,
I throw the garlic bane.
Set the tiny jar inside the big one, on the piece of paper. Now mix ash and dirt in water, and pour into the big jar to cover the smaller jar. Doesn’t have to be completely full, just enough to cover the jar with the garlic. Say:
My power and my might,
I bring this out this evening.
I trap you in this jar
Now your fortune is far
Suffer in an empty space
Living in a slow snail’s pace
Nothing works
I throw on you, lots of pain
Since the ink washes off the paper into the water, the spell will gain energy and begin to work in a couple of days. Leave the whole thing on your altar for it to keep working. Repeat the words again over the jars to recharge the spell after a month, if necessary.