Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type


Become a neko of any animal-type with this easy spell. Fox-neko, wolf-neko, cat-neko, you name it and you can become it!

You will need the following items for this spell:

Your voice Alone time on your bedroom Belief in magic

Casting Directions for ‘Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type'

For this spell, you'll have to have a couple of minutes of privacy in your bedroom 3 times a day. I recommend: 1.) Right once you wake up, before you get up. 2.) Only after you get home from school/work. And, 3.) Right before bed.

Ok, so when you're in your bedroom, you'll need to lay down on your bed. You do not need to get in your covers, but rest your head on your pillow. Now close your eyes softly, think of fur and claws, and say this chant:

A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My glowing (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
To be a neko, half (creature), so mote it be!

*The use of the word God assumes you're Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say “world”.

There's also a version that is permanent, but NOT reccomended:

A neko I wish, so will I become,
(colour) ears and (colour) tail, never to be reversed.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My glowing (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to hear my plea,
To be a neko, half (creature), so mote it be!

*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your faith desires, if you're atheist, just say “world”.

Here's a version specifically for cat-neko transformations:

A neko I wish, so will I become,
(colour) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My glowing (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
For a neko, half cat, meow meow!

*The use of the word God supposes you are Christian. Use whatever name your faith desires, if you are atheist, just say “world”.

Here's the permanent version for cat-neko transformations:

A neko I wish, so will I become,
(colour) ears and (colour) tail, never to be reversed.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
For a neko, half cat, meow meow!

*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say “universe”.

For all of the above spells, say them 3 times each day for a week. It should work after 9 days.

To change the color of your ears/tail, just say this spell 3 times a day for a week (it should work after a week):

For Ears:
My lovely (animal) ears are a (current color) hue,
But I also adore the colour (new colour) too.
So they will change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.

For Tails:
My lovely (creature) tail is a (current shade) hue,
But I also adore the colour (new colour) too.
So it will change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.

Say both chants if you please, but you have to say them seperately.

To reverse the spell, just say this chant 3 times a day for a week:

I need to be a neko now,
I'll be only human, and that is how.
My ears and tail will disappear overnight,
And my (colour) eyes won't seem so bright.
My fangs and claws will disappear,
God*, please, I hope you hear.

*The use of the word God assumes you're Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you're atheist, just say “world”.

~Side Effects~
-Back, head and toothaches
-Brighter eyes
-Purring, hissing and meowing
-Cravings for milk/fish

Charge to PaintMeRed for inventing the spell, I have merely tweaked it and added to it.

Email me in and tell me if it worked/didn't work.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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31 thoughts on “Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type”

    • questions asked

      1. I didn’t work do I have to do the reverse spell before I do the spell again
      A . umm no
      2 . What do you do if you start on the weekend
      A . It doesn’t matter when you start it
      3 . what time should I do the spell,should I be alone
      A . day or night,yes be alone in your room many days do I have to say the spell for
      A . IT SAID IN THE SPELL I THINK but ummm 7 or 8 days

    • questions asked

      1. I didn’t work do I have to do the reverse spell before I do the spell again
      A . umm no
      2 . What do you do if you start on the weekend
      A . It doesn’t matter when you start it
      3 . what time should I do the spell,should I be alone
      A . day or night,yes be alone in your room

  1. Hey I have a few questions. It would be really nice if you could answer these!

    1: Does this spell really work?

    2: Will your eyes change color and stay that color or do they only turn that color when you are upset or something like that?

    3: Is it painful?

    4: do you get powers with it?

    5: Are the ears and tail retractable?

    That’s all!! I’d really love it if you answered these questions!!

    • this is my 4th day doing it, I dont think you get powers unfortantely. IDK if it works, i think you can move the ears, i think the eyes stay the color you choose

  2. Hey!!!! may you asnwer these questions?

    1. What happens if you do the permanet will it not work?
    2. Will your ears and tail dissappear if you show someone?
    3. How will I hide them?
    4 Does it cause servere pain?
    5. Does it work and if it doe will you post a picture if you can of your ears and tail
    6. how old do you have to be?
    7. does it have to be on a full moon?
    8 (last one!) If you do permenat will it stay as you grow into an adult?
    Thats all please asnwer theese I will appreicate it if you do sorry for bad grammer!!!!!

    • 1: idk i think itll work
      2: no prob
      3: Idk hopefully
      4: idk
      5: yes i think so
      6: any age!
      7: no

      hope this helped! 🙂

  3. Questions!:

    1: Can I hide my tail + ears
    2: can I conrol them ( does my ears move with my emotions?)
    3: Will my eyes change permanently?
    4: can i hear out of the animal ears?
    5:does it cause pain?
    6: do i Have to brush and wash them?
    thats it!!! baiiii 😀


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