This is a spell to make you and your physical type transform into a lycan like the ones in the underworld movies along with an alpha werewolf from the series teen wolf

You will need the following items for this spell:

Ingredients full moon a small lock of your hair(does not matter where in your body it comes from) a piece of your dead skin a drop of your blood outside something to stir with and a cup of boiled water

Casting Directions for ‘Alpha LYCAN'

full moon
A little lock of your hair(does not matter where on your body it comes from)
A bit of your dead skin
a drop of your blood
something to stir with
And a cup of water
This is a spell to make you and your bodily form change into a lycan like those in the underworld movies along with an alpha werewolf from the show teen wolf

Sit outside under the full moon in meditation position. Set the cup of boiled water before you. Put your hair, dead skin, and blood to the water and stir it for 1 minute then chant this once:
By night or day. By moon or sunlight. I beg to be a hybrid of two monsters in the same family. I wish to be exactly like Lucian a lycan off of the film underworld rise of the lycans and the film underworld then I wish to become an alpha werewolf like Peter hale/ Derek hale/ and Scott McCall from the show teen wolf season 1, 2, and 3part 1 and part 2 and adolescent wolf season 4. I shall have all the exact exact supernatural gifts, skills, and abilities that all the lycans had from all the underworld movies had and all the same exact supernatural gifts, abilities, and powers all the alpha werewolf's from the series teen wolf season 1, 2, 3 part 1 and part 2 and adolescent wolf season 4. My powers, energy and strength shall be infinite. My life span shall be endless. I shall be able to change my physical form at will and when I am angry. I shall be impossible to kill. I will be a lycan exactly like Lucian off of this movie underworld increase of the lycans and the movie underworld. I wish I would look exactly like William as a lycan from the movie underworld revolution except rather than my entire eye's being black they would shine a bright red to show that I am an human and alpha lycan form I will be 400x more stronger than an elephant 200x faster than a cheetah can go in temperatures of -280 degrees Celsius and up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, can hear around 45 miles away and odor around 35 miles and improved sight up to 50 miles away. My skin and teeth will be unbreakable. The shift from guy to alpha lycan and back will be painless and fast. Silver nitrate and wolfs bane combined in a bullet will be my only weakness nothing else. I shall be able to restrain myself in my alpha lycan form. In my alpha lycan form I will be 9ft tall and seem terrifying. In both human and alpha lycan form I shall be built and have an 8 pack This is what my soul, heart, life, and existence all desire. My physical form will have the ability to modify under this full moon and whatever I have or wear on my body shall sink into my skin as I change into a lycan no matter what. I beg for this to happen quite soon. This is what I want for me. In order to set my true heart, soul, life and existence free. So bless it so mote it be.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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