Anyone wish to summon a Jinn here is how, step by step.
1 White Candle
1 Red Candle
1 Black Candle
1 Sliver Mirror
1 Black or Red Lipstick
1 Tea Towel
1 thing you want the Jinn to become bounded with
Incense: x8 Sticks (made from Black Arts Powder)
Oil: Flying Tonic
Casting Instructions for ‘Summoning Jinn’
Find a quiet area where you can do your ritual and charms, burn 4 incense sticks, leave the room and return following the 4 incense sticks has burned out. In the room and place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from one another, in the order: white, red, black (white to your black and left to your right and dont light it). Burn 2 capsules sticks then rub Flying Tonic oil throughout your body except your face and mind. Sit in the quiet area in the dark, relax your body and calm your thoughts. After your body and head have been stilled: Keep your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet for 20 minutes. After the 20 minutes Say: At the of my god God I will the gate of the spirit world to show itself onto me, In the of my lord God I will the gate of hell to reveal itself onto, In the of my god God I will the gate of the jinn world to reveal itself onto me. Say: At the of my lord God I will the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself on me, In the of my lord God I will the gate of hell to show itself onto, In the of my lord God I will the gate of the jinn world to show itself onto me. Now light your white candle after light Say: In the of my god God I purchase the gate of the spirit world to show itself onto me, In the of my god God I order the gate of hell to reveal itself on, In the of my lord God I order the gate of the jinn world to show itself onto me. Say: At the of my lord God I purchase the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself on me, In the of my god God I order the gate of hell to show itself onto, In the of my lord God I dictate the gate of the jinn world to show itself onto me. Now light the black candle after lighting Say: At the of my lord God I’ve command it to open the gateway to the spirit world so let it be, In the of my lord God I have control it to open the gateway to hell so let it be, In the of my god God I have control it to start the gateway to the jinn world so let it be. Say: In the of my god God I have control it to open the gateway to the spirit world so let it be, In the of my god God I’ve control it to open the gateway to hell so let it be, In the of my god God I’ve command it to open the gateway to the jinn world so let it be. Now light the red candle and wait for 5 minutes, keeping your body relaxed. After 5 minutes, write with the lipstick on the mirrior God and His demonic secrets that are banned. After writing that wait for 1 minute then remove the lipstick writings from the mirror with the tea towel. Once its removed, select your jinnis gender it can be Muschnahe (male) or Vamirshe (female). Burn the past 2 incense sticks than write the following on the mirrior:
Line 1: I summon Al-Iblis’ Fire
Line 2: O Muschnahe or O Vamirshe (compose one not both)
Line 3: Come to me
Line 4: Accept me as your master
Line 5: In return I give 25 percent of my soul.
Set the item you want the Jinn to become bounded with close to the red candle and wait for 5 minutes. Say: At the of my god God I control the gateway to the spirit world to be closed, In the of my god God I command the gateway to hell to be closed, In the of my lord God I control the gateway to the jinn world to be closed then blow out red candle.
Gradually get up and leave the room and dont on the light and dont enter that area until sun has risen high in the sky like after 12pm, try going to sleep. Note: Go in that room after sun has grown clean the room up and as for the thing you wished the Jinn to become bounded take that item and keep it in a safe place, keep it harm, offer food, love it the item and the jinn in the product, respect additionally, speak to your jinn, your jinn will not speak with you at first but its there.