

A simple method to find someone.

You may need the following items for this spell:

1 red candle
1 yellow candle
1 orange candle
1 green candle
1 blue candle
1 purple candle
1 indigo candle
1 purple candle
1 photo/something they wrote
1 map of area

Casting Directions for ‘Tracking’

Place the candles in a ring, around the map in the order said, beginning pointing east, and moving clockwise wrap the image in something they have written. Get the idea form in the center. Light the candles beginning with red and finish with blue, visualize the chakra relevant to shade and imbue the candle with the colour as you light it. Say this chant as you light the red one: From the flame of his soul, I predict candle light to guide me, so that (name) must be found (mild the ball of words and pictures from the candle, and let it burn the candle for a minute. Before you light it, but have the game etc lit before starting to speak. When the red candle is lit, you may light the others with the ball of words and pictures, giving each a particular way to help, By the Stars in his/her soul, I predict Starlight to direct me, so that (name), needs to be found light candle and allow the flaming ball linger a moment, By the odor of his spirit, I predict odor to guide me, so that (name), must be discovered, light candle and let the flaming ball lingers moment, By the center of his spirit, I call instinct to guide me, so that (name), must be found, light candle and let the flaming ball linger a moment and continue in this manner. Light closing candle and put ball in middle of map, as map starts to catch, create a thoughtform while holding the ball. This spell will lead you to the individual.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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