Strong Healing Spell


This spell works incredibly well, and if you keep up with it I have complete confidence what you are attempting to cure will feel better than they have in years, whatever the illness. I made this spell myself for someone very dear to me who was dying of cancer.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Small square of white cloth
Bay leaves(for strength)
Carnation petals
Mint(for energy)
Sea salt(for cleansing)
Tiger’s eye stone(for protection)
Holy(or Pagan holy)water
Incense(white sage if possible)
Two white candles

Casting Directions for ‘Strong Healing Spell’

Meditate beforehand so you feel strong enough to do this spell. It will take a lot of energy. On the white cloth, write the name of the person you wish to cure and draw the Eye of Horus. If you don’t know what that is, google it. Cast your circle(if you decide to do so) and spread out the fabric on your altar. Around it place the holy water, earth, incense, and one candle, to represent each of the elements. Keep the rest of the ingredients close at hand.
As you say the following words, gradually add a little of each ingredient onto the white cloth, in no specific order, until you believe the fabric has enough.
“It is with love in my heart,
That I call upon each force I’ve come to know,
Water, fire, Earth, and air,
The God and Goddess,
The forces within myself,
And the forces within (name of person)
Help him/her to fight his/her obstacle,
Make him/her healthy as he/she ever was,
That is my will,
So mote it be.”
Tie up the components in the cloth to make a sachet. Charge it for as long as possible with healing, positive energy, and leave out under moonlight every night, and recharge it every night before bed, or more if you want faster results. Once the man or woman is healed, bury it and something else(whatever you decide) as an offering and a thank you for all the forces that helped you.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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