In the event a friend and you have had a fight, use this spell and allow you to set things right.
A candle that is white or pink
Something to inscribe the candle with a logo
Paper and a pen
An envelope
Materials to make a small gift Your friend would appreciate
Casting Directions for ‘Spell To Fix A Friendship’
Carve a symbol. It might be a picture of two clasped hands, a heart, an appropriate rune, etc.; or you can split a symbol for peace, like a dove, to help ease tensions. Invoke a deity (maybe your patron/matron deity) to bless your rite. If you don’t invoke a deity, you can appeal rather to the powers or forces that be. Meditate or breathe to center and focus yourself. Then gaze in the candle flame and address your invoked deity (or general forces) and state:
“A friend and I have had a fight
I need some help to make things right
I want to stay friends that are good
So help me, then, to makeĀ amends”
Draw the symbol you carved on the candle. Then write down what you feel: what you are sorry for, what you would like to have happen, how you feel about your friend, why you’d like to remain friends, etc.. Sign your name at the bottom of the paper. Then take the materials to make your gift and put it together. Say, as you start:
“I make this gift with love and care
In hopes that it will help repair
The damage done, pain and the hurt
And help our friendship to stay”
As you create it, pour compassion and love into the gift. Visualize it glowing with a peaceful light. Place the paper as well as the gift in the envelope when you are done. Seal the envelope with wax from the candle. Gaze at the candle for a little while and envision your battle coming to an end or your friendship returning to an undamaged state. Of having a conversation with your friend think and imagine everything going well and the struggle. When you’re ready, give thanks and close your circle. When you see your friend, give him/her the envelope. Have a sincere conversation and do everything you can to heal the friendship.