A love spell that requires German or Norse Runes.
Small white cards
A cup of blessed water
A small bag
A pencil
Casting Instructions for ‘Runic Love Spell'
Take the small cards and write loves me on them in Runes, and make sure theres only one rune a card. Put them on the table as like it was a word: from the left to the right, and take another pile of cards.
On the other pile, write the name of your target, on Rune a card. Make sure you write down both front and back name. Now put down the front name horizontally, the back name vertically and the loves me horizontally again.
Now say this: (name) will love me untill I undo this spell. So mote it be. Now pick up the Runes, and sprinkle them with the Blessed Water. Put them in the little bag, that youll have to carry with you the next day, from sunrise till sunset. Note: without this the spell wont work!