Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening


Please note this spell is designed for two people, the person directing the energy from the topic

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 candle of the following colors; orange, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, rainbow OR white.
Magic Healing Oil
Dragons blood oil
Olive oil
Cup of sea salt
Dragons blood inscent
The channeler, wear All BLACK.
The discipline, also wear all black shorts.

Casting Directions for ‘Seven Chakra Cleansing and Awakening’

Have the subject lie down. Allow them to start to relax, but do not let them go into complete mediation mode or fall asleep, for we must disturb them after. While they are starting to unwind, you(the channeler) will take all the oils and candles. Take your base oil, Olive oil, but it into a bowl and combine with a splash of dragons blood and healing oil. You dont need much of the add in oils, and make enough to have all the candles dressed and a smidgen left over.

Dress each and every candle! With the smidgen left over, have the subject roll over, .ad start to rub the leftover oil(COUNTER CLOCK WISE!!!) Over the appropriate chakras. (Please be aware that the subject should feel comfortable in every way when doing this spell, and that you need to put oil on the fore head for he third eye chakra and the crown seats should not contain any oil)

Now, have the subject lie on their back and let then to fully relax now(but not fall asleep!) And line up the appropriate candles with the chakras. Once the subject is completely relaxed, light your candles, inscent, and sage stick. Channeler, do whatever you will need to do to get your freaky mojo wiccan juices flowing, but in a timely fashion. So plan ahead and meditate before this spell of required.

Now, begin with the subjects root chakra. Take the sage stick, wave it counter clock wise SEVEN times! ONLY SEVEN! Then, place your hand over the chakra(if the subject is totally comfortable with you touching them, go ahead and make contact, if not,tjust place hand over chakra) and start to draw in the negative energy from the chakra with your hand, channel it through you preferred or strongest/open most chakra, and then floor it along with your other hand so it creates a flowing net work.

Then have a pinch or pinch of salt and set it at the chakra to keep negative energy from entering in durring the cleansing. Repeat for all chakras. When you reach the crown chakra, take 1 hand, and begin to pull the positive excellent energy from the world and spread it into their chakras. Now you have completed the cleansing. Blow out the candles and snub out the era sticks. The subject is now able to move around and such.


About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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