This is a spell that raises one of your spells. Which one can be chosen by you. All senses included.
Any blossom item (can be used for smell increasing spell, optional) Anything that makes noise (can be used for hearing raising spell, option) Daytime (can be used for sight increasing spell alternative, needed.) Something with feel (can be used for feeling raising spell, discretionary) Food with spices (can be used for taste increasing spell, optional) Your voice Belief
Casting Instructions for ‘Sense raising spell’
Sight increase instructions:
Sit down with your legs crossed, then shut your eyes and chant: my eyes are small but I see all of them, I can see for miles off, like an eagle I stare, I can see all the trees and animals that a mile away, but for only an hour will my eyes stay this way. It be. Look around you, you should be able to see better. (Note: the spell might take a minute before reaching its full effect.)
Hear increasing instructions:
Sit down with your legs spread out, then shut your eyes and chant: my ears are small but I hear them all, the people a mile away, the mice scurrying beneath the home, the birds wings flapping in the wind, but only for an hour will my ears remain this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes closed and listen you should be able to hear better, you can open them after about a minute. (Note: the spell may take a few minutes before reaching it’s full effect.)
Smell increasing intructions:
Lay down on your back, then close your eyes and chant: my nose is small but I smell all of them, the dogs, the cats, and all of the animals, the food in the kitchen, the people in the home, but only for an hour will my ears remain this way. So mote it be. Keep your eyes shut and odor around, you should be able to smell better. You may open your eyes after about a minute. (Note: the spell might take a minute prior to reaching its full effect.)
Feel increasing instructions:
Stand up in marijuana outdoors then shut your eyes and chant: My body is small but I feel everything, the grass beneath my feet, the wind blowing on my hands, the clothes on my arms and legs, the hair in my head, but only for an hour will my body stay this way. So mote it be. Keep you eyes closed and feel about, you should be able to feel things better. (Note: the spell may take a couple minutes before it reaches its full effect.)
Taste increasing spell:
Lay down on your stomach then shut your eyes and chant: my tounge is little but I taste everything, the spices in food, the flavors in meat, the juices in fruit, the dough in bread, but only for an hour will my tounge remain this way. So more it be. Keep your eyes closed and taste the atmosphere, your taste should be increased. (Note: the spell may take a couple of minutes before reaching its full effect.)
You should be very powerful to include on over one hour, can only be used once a day.
Email me for more questions at darth_mavy :-RRB-