Sabbat Game


•Credit: OP found a page on Wiki, although unknown.
•This match may only be played on the following events: St Tomas' Feast Day, Christmas Eve, Yule, the first full moon after Yule, St. Stephen's Feast Day, Midsummer, Lucia Night, Twelfth Night, New Years Eve, Easter, Summer Solstice.
•According to Wiki, Ã…rsgÃ¥ng (pronounced Oshgong) is ‘a Swedish pagan rite of the tradition of seidr that was later Christianized. Translating to ‘Year Walk,' Ã…rsgÃ¥ng is a intricate divination ritual to forsee the future and discover mysteries.' It can also be used to contact supernatural things.
•This is designed to be a test that was personal and may ask more of you than you're prepared to give. People have also reported that the glimpse of the future wasn't worth the trouble.
As always this ritual does not belong to me.

You may need the following items for this spell:

A weapon of some kind.
The lasabrjotur symbol

Casting Directions for ‘Sabbat Game'

•Isolate yourself in complete darkness and silence for 24 hours. You can drink water. You laugh or may not talk. •At precisely midnight walk to a church and circle three times. •Lay the Lasabrjotur emblem on the church lock and say, ‘all trolls hit into the lock Devil reach in that it might break.' •Blow forcefully into the lock. The walk has begun. •foresee the future and Your goal is to get to a cemetary. •You may encounter the following things during the Year Walk: Skogsra: Seductive girls who will steer you to the woods, where they'll kill you. Backahasten: A kind of supernatural animal who will tempt it to be ridden by you so as to reach the cemetary quickly. Instead you will be taken by it to a body of water where you will be drowned. Mylingen: The draugr of babies who will accompany you. They will make you bury them and then take you under the ground company. Nattravnen: Night Ravens are nocturnal ravens with holes in their wings. If a person sees through these holes, death and illness will follow. Kyrkogrimen: parishes are inhabited by Church Grims and shield them from desecration. These can be the thing. It could disguise itself. The smart Man: If you do the Year Walk every year for seven years in a row you might encounter an armed man on a horse. He will carry a wand that's decorated with runes. You may be able to catch the runkavle, ending the ritual. If you are able to acquire the wand you should obtain secret knowledge and can perform divination at will from then on. •Brief interpretations of some of the numerous things you may see are offered below: If you see souls then plague and disease are coming. If you see elves carrying wheat, or rodents pulling a cart of hay a good harvest is coming. If you see armed men in the streets, or people chopping things it means war is coming. Safety Wandering around looking like you're up for a bit of trespassing isn't always a good thing. Risk level High.

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