Rose Water


This Rose Water spell works for lovelorn, but do not cast it with anyone special in mind lest you stand accused of trying to control his/her free will. Rather, trust that whoever answers is the one for you. Try it.

You may need the following items for this spell:

A bottle of rose water
7 metres of white cord
Four candles and one pink one
Charcoal and a charcoal burner
So plucked or A dozen rose petals and some rose oil
A stick of cinnamon
A gold pen
A glass bowl filled with fresh spring water
A bowl of earth

Casting Instructions for ‘Rose Water’

Shower or Bathe in warm water odor yourself with rose water. Now, refreshed and relaxed, open your circle clockwise. Light one green candle at each of the four main compass points of your circle and invoke the winds, facing each direction in turn, with these timeless words: Hail to thee East Wind Hail to thee south wind Hail to thee West Wind Hail to thee North Wind I call for love And make this offering to you. And it harm none, so be it lay the charcoal in it, Place the charcoal burner in the center of the ring and light it. Use the flame to light the candle, place it together with the burner and begin until you believe emotions and your energies are properly concentrated breathing. Facing East, put seven of the rose petals to rub and one side rose oil to the rest. Crush the cinammon float them down and stick over the oiled rose petals. Focusing on the word LOVE, use the gold pencil to write it petals you rain them into the bowl of spring water that is and put to one side. Sit in the circle rose petals envelop your every breath until your energy is focused on love and love alone. Give yourself – open your hands, open your heart and repeat the words of the spell seven days: Oh Angel of Love, I call upon me to fill that I will feel a joyous heart. I ask that I may share this love with another who’ll come to me of their own free will and collectively we’ll know the beauty of a loving union. I ask this for the highest good of all. The words say your thanks and blow. Close your spell by winding up the cord circle in manner, taking the container of rose-scented water in both hands and holding it aloft for a moment.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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