Can it end? If you’re prepared to forgive and want them back in your life, here is a little white magic.
2 Dandelions with a stem that is long
2 Pieces of string/thread/ribbon of the colour that is appropriate
2 Feathers (preferably you find outside, if possible)
Casting Instructions for ‘Retrieve a Friend or Love you Lost’
If you don’t have dandelions, you can substitute it with another flower. I chose dandelions because they are bright, easy to find, and the stalks turn together more easily.
Do this outside on a sunny day.
Repeat the following (and admittedly somewhat lame) poem, adjusting or removing lines which don’t apply to your own situation. Personally, I wrote this for a friend, but I added some lines for people who are looking toward fixing things with someone more “special.” Adjust as needed.
Dandelion, dressed in yellow
To me you will say hello
Dandelion, bright and yellow
You and I will never fight
Dandelion, bright and sweet
When we meet talk with sugar
Dandelion, sweet and taking root
You will forget our dare/ You may always think I’m cute
Dandelion, rooted and developing
Friendship/Love on your heart is finally showing
There’s Growth on your heart
We will have a new start
You will return to me
This is my will, so mote it be
Twist the dandelions once. Pluck it off if you have excess stem when you are done. Hold the end with your feet (that is what I did) and tie it at the top under the flowers and at the end of the stems so that it does not fall apart.
Dig a shallow hole about as long as the flowers, and bury them with the petals peeking out of the hole. To signify freedom, tick the two feathers in the ground beside the flowers. As you’re doing so, it would be a good idea to chant something along the lines of “free to be.”
You’re done. If you would like, you can water the flowers. I thought it was enjoyable.