To guide a pet home that may be lost.
1 brown candle
4 white candles
Casting Instructions for ‘Lost Pet Spell’
Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Particularly gods that are guardians of domestic animals (Reye, Herne, Artemis and so on) Never invoke a god that is not of your faith.
Perform first prayers and gift your offerings.
Place the white candles in the 4 directions of your altar (north, east, south and west) Take up the brown candle and charge into it brown animalistic energy and images of your lost pet. Say the following 9 times:
”May this candle come to be
__(Pets name)__, who I want to see.
__(Pets name)__, come home to me,
And as my will, so mote it be.”
Place the candle down in the middle of the the 4 candles and light them all. Hold your hands over the candle display and say the following 9 times while picturing your pet returning:
”May the wind blow in the direction of my love,
May the sun light your way home so long as you are lost,
May the rain quench your thirst, since I can’t,
May the Earth give you strength beneath your feet,
And may the Goddess ______ hold you in her arms.
And if you can’t find your way home to me
Find a new home with someone as loving as me.”
Let the candles burn as long as you can let them. It may take a few days for your pet to return, so be patient.