Protection Ring Spell


A spell to charge a ring with protection of the wearer. Any questions, go ahead and email me.

You may need the following items for this spell:

Waning Moon
Hematite Any Ring Or Rings
Needle or Bobby Pin
Cauldron (optional, but recommended)
Matches (preferably)

Casting Directions for ‘Protection Ring Spell'

Take off your shoes and socks and stomp and rub your toes in dirt. Then take 1 handful of the dirt you just stomped in and put t in the cauldron in a pile (if you have no cauldron, put the dirt in a heap over something fireproof).
Write your full name (first, middle last) and birth date (month, day, year) on the paper with the pencil. The poke your ring finger hard enough to draw blood. Drop/place three drops of your blood on the paper. Then put it on the pile. Then put the ring on top of the paper. Lite the paper on fire, chanting:
“Skin to skin, blood, bone to bone, sinew to sinew.
I banish all evil from my revenue.”
! * Say 3 to 10 times!
After chanting look up at the sky and spread your arms wide, like your embracing the night, chanting:
“Great Wise Crone of the Waning Moon,
Cloak your sacred shadows round around this ring and charge it with your banishing energies so that (When I or whomever) wear(s) it will be protected from those
Who seek to gain from ( their) pain!”
! * Chant 3 to 10 times!
Wait for the flame to extinguish (if still moving), then take the ring and set it on the ring finger you pricked.
Throw the ashes and dirt to running water or bury it at the roots of an old tree.

!! **If you do not need this protection on the ring, then search for my other spell ‘Spell to Require Protection Away From Ring'**!!

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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