Keep your Child Safe


This simple technique is based on an old nursery rhyme which started life as a prayer. It protects a child as they sleep and introduces them to the notion of being able to use their dreams.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Glass of water A clear quartz crystal Few drops of lavender oil Pine cone

Casting Directions for ‘Keep your Child Safe'

The articles above represent in order water, earth, air and fire and have many significances in protection spells

When first activating the spell, hold the crystal in your hands for a few moments to activate its protective powers. Do the same with the glass of water.

Drop the crystal into the water and add a few drops of lavender oil.

Visualize your kid shielded from all harm.

Hold the cone and request its own powers of regeneration to be triggered. Place the charged glass and the pine cone together on the bedside table.

Repeat the words: Matthew, John, Luke and Mark,

Bless the bed he lies upon Four corners to his bed, Four angels round his head: One to watch, one to pray, And two to keep his troubles away!

Obviously in case you have a little girl you'll use the words she and her instead of he and his.

Each morning throw off the water in the glass this is not for drinking either down the bathroom or outside your door because it's by now contaminated.

Renew the water every night, repeating the rhyme as you do this, and refresh the other objects as you feel it's necessary.

This method of working is unobtrusive and doesn't frighten the child. If you make the last part of this spell an aspect of this nightly routine, as your child grows up he or she might like to take part in the words and actions and should develop a sense of security because of these. If your child has nightmares, use the pine cone as part of your soothing technique by giving it to him or her to hold.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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