Heart of Stone


A protection spell for the center.
This spell is used to fortify one’s self from the advances of an unsuitable or harmful lover or suitor.

You will need the following items for this spell:

4 White Candles A Tiny sharp or jagged rock A compass

Casting Instructions for ‘Heart of Stone’

A sharp or jagged stone has to be obtained. The rock should be small enough so that it might be readily carried on one’s person and remain undetected. A sharp-edged jewel suits the purpose well and cleverly hides its own purpose. A ring with any natural, cut stone is ideal, as are any natural, cut stones with sharp edges. Any small rock that is sharp or jagged will work quite nicely, so long as it might be easily carried. A pearl or smooth stone will not work.

Light the four candles at midnight, on the night of a full moon and set the candles to represent North, East, South and West. Use the compass to determine the areas of the candles. The stone or jewel ought to be placed in their center.

After all the candles and the stone are in place, speak the following words aloud:

Stone of the floor,
Formed from the strength of Mother Earths mighty hand,
Pass your power to my heart,
It may hold a firmer stand,
Keep off that which tries pass,
To hurt, to twist, to impart pain,
Lay your border, solid, strong,
That might not come through again.

Extinguish the candles. The stone should be worn or taken whenever you feel the need for added security and strength against an intrusion into your heart.


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Spells Of Magic

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