This is. An easy powerful spell to call Archangel Raphael for healing yourself or a loved one.
Green Candle (If you do not have green than you may utilize purple blue or white)
3 Pennies or Stones
Raphael Sigil image
Something sharp (Carving into the candle)
Casting Instructions for ‘Healing Spell of Raphael’
I tried to make this spell very simple. I’m giving you a list of choices when it comes to ingredients so that you can easily do this charm. With this spell we are asking for the healing for Archangel Raphael. Raphael is the angel of healing. His name means “God Heals” . He oversees healing for all beings on earth. He brings healing. We are also working with the fire element to make this spell quicker.
I prefer Green inside this spell because Archangel Raphael radiates green. But if you can’t find a green candle here are a few other great options.
Peace, Health, Protection, Cleansing,and Curing.
Healing, Spiritual Protection,and Power
All Purpose
Pennies or Stones
I use originally used pennies in this spell because a lot of people are able to get them. But the main reason I choose cents is due to the fact that they are made of copper. Copper is the metal of Raphael. It is also perfect for healing and is a excellent energy conductor (That is why it’s commonly used in wand making). If you can’t get copper here are a few stone choices. (The stones I list also have a link to Raphael)
Healing Stone
Perfect for healing skin problems, digestive, and allergies.
Healing anxiety, eye, and heart.
Clear Quartz
Removes blockages and helps healing manifest.
Powerful healing stone, strength, and energy flow.
When you have chosen your items you may start the spell.
Before using your candle you will need to cleanse and control it. Hold the candle between your palms and imagine white light coming from your heart, to your arms, than hands, and finally the candle. Visualize it fill the candle as gross energy leaves it and disappears. You may feel vibration or warmth. As soon as you feel butterflies in your stomach than it’s complete. You will repeat this process for any of the stones or pennies that you use for this spell. But rather than a white light visualize a green light. Now that your candle is charged you will now carve a large triangle around the wick. This triangle is the symbol for fire.
Next you’ve got to prepare your photo. Flip the photo over and using your pen write the sigil for Archangel Raphael. (You can look this sigil up online or in my video) As soon as you’re done flip it back over and place the candle on top. Make sure that the point of the triangle is pointed away from you.
Get your three stones/pennies and begin to set them in a triangle around the candle or photograph. You may do it it point up or down (up is fire and down is earth the element for Raphael). As you set the stones/pennies visualize the individual happy and healthy. Finally you may start to light the candle. After the wick catches imagine bright green light connecting the stones/pennies. Than say
“So mote it be.”
When you candle has finished burning, take the three stones/pennies and bury them away in the house as a thanks/offering to Raphael for helping you heal.