This charm is should be practise first you have to master meditation, candles,invoking gods spirits.
You need to cast this death spell with anger and full of determination to kill your enemy.
Black Candle 1 to 3 Spoon Names in case your enemies. Pointed knife or needle Photo* or picture of enemies Open mind meditation Open a circle draw it using salt Or chalk Remember you should be within circle The candles also, so you cannot be possess by demons or spirits. Dont be afraid! Pack dome onions and peas inside the circle Banish “””Demonic spiritus” I kill you kill you and send back you ri the hell from the power of my spirit im here safe in my curst and connecting to the soul of Angels demon destroy! Say r This in latin with angers and Full of electricity. Then throw salts with banishing prayer for angels, with protections by angels.
Casting Directions for ‘Death Spell to kill Enemy'
Light black candles 3 black candles
Set the photos or names in the doll. Another way is to etch their names in the candles.
Say these words: You're the black candle I wish to die, (say the name of enemy) you're the spirit of my enemy should perish spiritu of death call you take this life for a blow off my breath with angers ,( hold up the candle with etched name) spiritu of death take away this character life after I blow out this candle.
Translate un latin
Meditate, I here call upon the Powerful Spirit of death I ask your help to kill my enemies
Appear to me today show yourself! Kill (name of enemies)
By the power of you full moon tonight
I swear this WOrds until they die i swear they die
Until the candles light gone! This is my will so mote it be!