This should help weaken a demon that has came to posses you. This does not create any demon ever posses you, it makes the demon(s) which are possesing you now to be weakend and shall soon the demon will die and that demon will (CANNOT) ever posses you again, yet another demon can, so you might have to use this charm MORE than once. Usually after the first demon pessesion you got rid of this spell will call at least 2 or 3 more demons to posses you so im saying you may need to SAVE this spell as you might have to use it two or three times in your life, Im not saying you will need to, im prodicting…I had to go through 2 possesions with using this charm to finish it. This is strong and dangerous, and if your being possed, use this spell AS FAST AS YOU CAN because when the demon has possed you through your entire mind, you will become a demon. Donnot use this if a person you know and they understand you has become a demon and should possesing you, donnot use this spell if so that occurs. If any questions, don't send to my MAIL on spells of magic, I can't MAIL back, send to my E-mail….at or
I donnot have HotMail so use one of those e-mails to ask questions above…
3 White Candles – For Goodness 1 Black Candle – For The Demon A Cross – To Hypnitize The Demon Holy Water – To Punish The Demon Quiet And Pitch Dark Place – To Atrack The Demon 1 Drop Of Your Blood – For Extra Power Bowl – For Your Blood Mind Open Wind – To Use Your Psychic Energy
Casting Directions for ‘End Your Demon Possesion'
Place 1 White Candle in FRONT of you, Another Candle Beside You, and the final candle Behind you.
Place the cross in YOUR HAND, and Sprinkle DROPS of the Holy Water around you creating a circle of Holy Water so the Demon Cannot touch you or GET INSIDE YOU.
Set the fall of your Blood in the Bowl.
Now, on your mind, think about what the Demon has done to you, think about why would it, imagine it in a LOST WORLD where nowhere to go, but lay there and burn, think what did the Demon perform foe that?
Then chant:
“Demon near, stand right there.
I see you clear, Demon there,
you shall Disapear!
You may go, So far
of torchure thy I
shall know. So
It Be!