This spell is recommended by me, I did it and it worked. You wont become immortal, but you wouldnt want that since the world's gont end and you will be stuck in it…
Night Time Alone 1 Piece of paper 1 pen
Casting Instructions for ‘Dragon Transformation Spell by Paraselene'
Be Sure You are alone
Draw what you would like to look like as a dragon. (Or print one out of your OC – Original Character, if you have one)
Then fold the paper hamburger style
Write all of the information about your dragon self, such as height, gender, powers, scale color, eye color, strength level, element, etc..
Fold it once more, hamburger style.
Draw on a pentagram. (If you are unfamiliar, it's essentially a start with a circle surrounding it, linking all of the star's points)
Spell: Say 3x
Oh great and powerful monster become a part of me I can go in and out of you.
Now every night for 3 nights you want to repeat the spell before you go to sleep. After you're done chanting, put the paper under your pillow and you need to have a lucid dream about you being your own dragon. If not, a regular dream. If you do not have a dream in any way, you may day dream being your own dragon.
As soon as you are done completing the spell, all you have to say is “Dragons rule the sky” to transform.
To turn back, claw the floor 3-5x and roar as loud as you can.
Optional: (What I did)
I had three white candles that I lit and put them in a triangular position with the newspaper folded with the pentagram on it in the middle. I then whispered “So mote it be” ten times, I then prayed and meditated.
There are no side effects, but occasionally there are and these are typical:
Head aches
Body aches
Hearing and vision improved.
Hopefully the spell works for you, and let me know if you have a question about the spell.
Dose it have to be the same gender as ur human self?
Is this real? Because I really wanted to transform
This spell is safe ?
i have a question is this real because im 15 and i want to start a new life im tired of my life its too stressful i dont care if my mom or dad worries saying “oh my god wheres jayden i feel so sad” i want to hide in the shadows and i want to get rid of my stupit glasses i want to permanently be a dragon and i will never never never turn back ever i hate being a fucking human theres “laws” and “school” like all the education i need is how to protect my self ugh i just want to be free i feel like the law keeps us prisoner and we cant do anything about it sigh. i just want to forget about my past and look forward to my future as a dragon
I agree Jaden I’m tried of my life too I want to do something different for a change like be a werewolf or a dragon would be perfect
That’s a good reason I too want to do that and do dragons have to eat to stay alive pls tell
does it work immediate or what?
does it work immediately or what?
Please can I use a picture of a dragon instead since I’m not good at drawing and please, will the transformation start immediately or until I say Dragons rule the sky
How long will it take to work?
How long will it take to work, please?