Bless a Brush into Quicken Hair Growth


Follow this ritual. Using this brush can help accelerate the growth of your hair!

You will need the following items for this spell:

1 brush One rose (any color) A large bowl of water Salt (Used for purification) One Candle A cup of earth A feather Olive oil Items to signify all the components when casting

Casting Directions for ‘Bless a Brush into Quicken Hair Growth’

First, cast your circle (If you don’t know how to do this, then Google How to throw a circle. Its pretty easy.) Make sure your circle is purified and then call in the components. Now, please dip your hands in the olive oil and begin anointing your candle with it. As you anoint it, envision your own hair growing to your preferred length. Do not skip this part. Visualization is very important in spell-casting.

When you have anointed all the candle, light it. Then, take the bowl of water and sprinkle some salt in it, saying, With this salt, I purify this water. May this water bless all it touches and may it fulfill my needs. Dip your hands in the water and sweep them over your own hair, dampening it. Now, take the increased and hold it up, saying, Oh, Goddess Aphrodite. Goddess of Beauty and Love, please help me to grow my hair to its desired length. Please bless me and this emblem with your boundless love, desire, and beauty.

Dip the rose into the water. You can either drop it in whole or you can take off the petals and sprinkle them in. Whatever works best for you is fine. When you are finished with this, pick up your cup of ground and pour it into the cup, mixing it diesel (clock-wise) with your power hand (whatever hand you write with). As you stir it, say, May the Mother Goddess bless this water and bring to me the beauty that she has created on this earth. May she meet my desires.

Now, take the feather and drop it into the water. Say, May the winds bless this water and bring to me all that I desire. Please, let my hair grow into its desired length. Next, take the candle and drop it into the water, allowing the liquid put out its own flame. Say, Fire which burns with beauty and brightness, fulfill my needs and make my hair grow longer. Now, last but not least, drop the brush into the water while saying, Let this brush absorb the energy of the components and the blessings of the Goddesses. May my hair grow longer. As I will it, so mote it be.

Hold both of your palms over the mixture and envision a light of energy pouring into the water, coming out of your hands. You can summon this energy by imagining roots sprouting from the body and moving into the ground, pulling the energy up and then travel through your body and into the water. Your body will serve as a vessel. Do this for a few minutes. After, pull out the brush and brush it through your hair as many times as possible. This procedure differs from person to person. Some may have to brush loner than others. Just brush as long as it feels right to.

When you’ve brushed your hair, sit it on your dresser and every night before bed until the moon is once again full, brush you hair with it. Following the spell, close your circle and wash your hair with the rest of the mixture. It will be muddy ad gross, but it will be worth it, I promise. Good luck casting your spell :-RRB-

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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