A safe spell to make someone leave your life forever.
A small piece of paper
Purple yarn
White or black yarn
Black Ink pen
Purple ink pen
Person’s name
Casting Instructions for ‘Bind a Individual Away From You’
First, draw a pentacle on the piece of paper. Then, write the persons full name in black in the middle of the pentacle. If you want, you can draw any religious symbols on the paper as you wish. Take the bottom right corner of the paper and fold it up to the top left corner. You should get a triangle. Fold this in half to find a triangle. Fold this small triangle in half one more time.
Now, take your purple and white string and tie it up, saying, I bind you, (persons name), with purple, black, and white, please o please, just leave my life. Leave me now, make my life better, make your life better, forever and ever. Take the paper and hold it to your third eye, saying, To be protected from you, this magick charm I shall do. I bind thee from me, please o please protect me. I herby cast out this charm, to be protected from your injury. Say this three to nine times.
Now, place it on the floor and stomp with your right foot on it nine times. You can now bury it, burn it, or keep it with you or on your altar. I recomend doing all three for maximum results. While burning or burying it, imagine them leaving your life forever, while chanting, (Persons title), please leave my life, enhance both our own lives more than ever before. So mote it be. Then they should be gone within a week or so. Both of your lives should benefit to them leaving, and nobody gets hurt!