A way to call spirits to your help if its truly needed and if you do this spell right they will come. *Do recall this spell may damage certain human actions*
Blood (Does not matter where it come from just make sure its fresh).
Liquor (Does not matter which kind).
Lotions or oils ( Scent needs to be rich).
Small stone or crescent.
Place in a graveyard.
Good loud voice.
Several darker colored candles you can place around you
Option item* You'll be in a graveyard so casting a circle is essential.
Casting Instructions for ‘Abomination'
*Reader please do Remember that when the objects are mentioned in the spell you place them on your altar or the place your performing the ritual:
The deadI beg and plea, Help me destroy my enemies, Raise from your graves in agony, Bring fourth your music of eternity, I ask you to raise, let my words whisper to thee.
Long lost spirits of the deceased, I offer you blood to help increase from the beds, (Drop blood around the area your sitting in the particular graveyard.) I offer you a place in my spirit, Taste the spirits I fill in my bowl, (Pour liquor into the bowl) Enter into my human emotions, Smell the gorgeous blossoms I have turned into creams, (Dip your rock into the creams or oils.) The dawning of witches raises with the ability of the dead, you'll be rewarded lets keep that well said. I ask for the power of the night, The kind that provides strength and might, The sorts of knowledge you get in fright, I also ask you open my third sight, So I may see your glorious light. I call you dear spirits as a friend, Lets let the sorrows of man end, But before I shoot my descend. Blessed be for all people who have listened to me, The song is done….So mote it be.