I’ve seen it work MANY times on burns and fevers…”Please always use common sense,in the case of EXTREME burns or fevers ,please call 911 and get the proper attention”
The only thing used in this spell is the religion and visualization
Casting Directions for ‘Talking out the Fire’
This spell was taught to me several years ago as a teen ager, I have seen it used, I’ve used it myself with great results on both fevers and burns,and Ive given the spell on the internet and got positive results from as far as India. Please observe the rules and guide lines as they were given to me. It has to flow from male to female and so forth if this spell is passed on verbally. Why? If it was verbally broken, I don’t have any idea, thats just because it had been told to me, it was said thet . . .the spell would no longer function for the one getting or the one telling it. Having said that here it’s// Discussing the fire. . The first thing you will need to be able to do is to get to the area of the burn….in the event of fever,you just need the forehead. With your fingers gently touch the brow or the burned area,yes it’s painfull so be very gentle. Lightly rub on the area. As you do this visualize the flame as literal fire energy leaving the individual and flowing into your fingertips,while blowing lightly on the region and saying:
Son of the west’s son Take the fire from this wound as on a frosty morn let the fire be gone. Say this 3 times while gently blowing and rubbing the area.If you have difficulty blowing and saying it in precisely the exact same time,the words might just be thought. This is one Ive seen actual results from, and a simple spell to do.