This charm is supposed to give you the chance of the man who made a special cabin in forests, which is consulted about on another time. Anyway, wealth were received by the owner of that cabin from people who stayed and got lost at his fort
Three 6″x2″x1″ boards of silver birch wood
1lb of any metallic alloy (optional)
Four 8″x6″x1″ boards of acacia wood
Two 4″x2″x1″ planks of silver birch wood
Two 2″x3″x1″ boards of acacia wood
Two 1″x2″x1″ boards of silver birch wood
Glue, tape, or most 24 claws
Casting Instructions for ‘The fortune of Snakebark Woods’
Place two of the larger acacia planks side by side, making an 8″x12″x1″ platform. Then, place the three larger silver birch planks which makes. Now, put both 1.4″x2″x1″ silver birch planks facing inwards on the ends of the bigger sliver birch planks. After that, place both little acacia planks on the endings of those, making certain that the silver birch boards are based on the acacia. You’ve got ow made the fourth wall and doorframe. You are almost finished, two steps to go. Now, place the last two silver birch planks in between the acacia doorframe. Finish it all off by placing the last two acacia boards in addition to the four walls. Make certain to put 20$ inside the “fort” before you use the applicants, or it will not work.
Where the candidates come in this is. Tape or glue the components together.
If you opted to use nails, hammer them at every end of the bigger silver birch, the outer ends of the rest of the silver birch, and the acacia doorframe.
Place this in a high place in your home(mimicking the tree), and wait a total of one week. Take it down week after said. See if your luck changes.