This is the only way to totally destroy a soul’s consciousness and release the energy to the universe. I have never used this, but I spoke to someone who had and they said it works. It actually breaks the cycle of reincarnation for the one sacrificed. Because the law does not stop, Use good judgment. Whoever used this lives.
3 coven members
1 large stone altar
4 white candles
1 red candle
1 yellow candle
1 green candle
1 blue candle
1 Well of Souls
1 Soul Stealer
1 human sacrifice
Casting Directions for ‘Sacrificial Soul Death’
(1) Before the ritual, you will place a white candle at each quarter of the ring. There will be candle stands at least chest high placed around the altar leaving room to perform the ritual. The North candle is yellow and the east candle is green. The south candle is red and the west candle is gloomy. Connect the human sacrifice. All of the candles are lit before the ritual starts. The Coven Leader puts on the Well of souls. All coven members chant online and go into violent meditation.
(2) Coven Member 3 walks clockwise around ritual circle while chanting online.
(3) Coven Member 2 stands facing north and while holding the Soul Stealer high will call this line. You may change direction corresponding to the element you’re working with. As soon as you arrive at the Element of soul you point the Soul Stealer at the sacrifice.
(2) Coven Member 3 yells the first sentence and continues chanting the rest until the Coven Leader completes step 4.
(4) Use the full power of your brain to call the Names.
(5) Coven Members 2 and 3 stand in the ends of the altar and chant this line.
(6) The Coven Leader retains the Soul Stealer up in a position ready to stab the sacrifice through,
(7) Coven Leader plunges the Soul Stealer to the chest of the forfeit, but not in the center.
(8) Coven Leader twists blade around to widen wound.
(9) Coven Leader pulls the Soul Stealer out and then plunges it into the heart of the sacrifice and speaks these words.
(10) Goes into violent meditation.
(11) All coven members speak this line as one.
(12) Coven Leader declares the outcome of the ritual and calls to the gods and Creation.
(13) All coven members yell online and let it flow in the universe.
(14) Coven Member 3 faces west and in a reverse way releases the components. While discharging the component this coven member will confront the corresponding direction with the Soul stealer pointing out of the body.
(15) All coven members will call out this line and proceed to chop up the body of the sacrifice into little pieces.
(2) Earth of the North Wall. Wind of the East Wall. Fire of the South Wall. Water of the West Wall. Seal the area tight. Spirit bind the Components together.
(3) I call upon the forces of Earth and the Characteristics of the Element of Earth to manifest in this particular blade. Element of Strength bless this blade! Element of Greed curse this blade! Power of Earth I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
(2) Earth of the North Wall be sealed! Wind of the East Wall. Fire of the South Wall. Water from the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Components together.
(3) I call upon the forces of Wind and the aspects of the Element of Wind to manifest in this particular blade. Element of Wisdom bless this blade! Element of Vengeance curse this blade! Power of Wind I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
(2) Wind of the East Wall be sealed! Fire of the South Wall. Water of the West Wall. Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Elements together.
(3) I call upon the forces of Fire and the aspects of the Element of Fire to manifest in this blade. Element of Vitality bless this blade! Element of Hatred curse this blade! Power of Fire I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
(2) Fire of the South Wall be sealed! Water from the West Wall. Seal the area tight. Spirit bind the Components together.
(3) I call upon the forces of Water and the aspects of the Element of Water to manifest in this particular blade. Element of Tenacity bless this blade! Element of Malice curse this blade! Power of Water I bind this energy into the Soul Stealer.
(2) Water of the West Wall be sealed! Seal the room tight. Spirit bind the Components together.
(3) I call upon the forces of Spirit as well as the aspects of the Element of Spirit to manifest in this blade. Element of Virtue bless this blade! Element of Treachery curse this blade! Power of Spirit I bind this energy to the Soul Stealer.
(2) Spirit of the Altar be sealed! Spirit bind the Components together and curse it accordingly!
(4) I call down the power of all the Names in the Names. It will be made so! I command the power to bless and curse this blade. It will have Janu’s soul locked tight.
(5) Elements seal the ring.
(6) Evil and great has been called into manifestation to bring about justice and this blade shall deliver justice. Through my hands the powers of the cosmos shall ride down into the point of this Soul Stealer. I CURSE IT SO!
(7) I CURSE THIS SOUL DEAD!!! There shall be no judgment, but what I bring upon him. This life is mine to take and so I take it.
(8) Be cursed dead! I seal your soul in my Well of Souls. This shall be the location of your damnation Janu Hitikara! I will show no mercy, because none has been given in the Great Wars.
(9) This will be your doom Janu! I curse that I shall own your soul in all the authority of White Heavens and Kurane. I curse it so!
(11) By the power of this Prophecy I call down judgment upon (title) that there will be complete destruction. The soul of (title) shall be laid bare and judged by the Prophecy. There shall be no salvation, no justice, no hope, just despair that’s brought about by the sins of the entire world. By the full power of the Prophecy there will be judgment, just a last end to all the sins of (title). The Judgments of the Prophecy shall be manifest upon people who have perpetrated crimes against the Prophecy. (Name) has (describe crimes against the Prophecy)!
(12) It is done and it is over. There shall be no soul of (title) in existence. All that is (title) will likely be erased for all time. He will be wasted by the powers of all the layers of the Elements of Good, Nature and Evil. The journey of (name) has now ended and I curse it so by the powers of all the forces of Creation.
(13) Therefore it will be done in the Names!
(14) Aspects of Water I release you from this circle! Aspects of Fire I release you! Aspects of Wind I release you! Aspects of Earth I release you! Aspects of Spirit I release you from this circle!
(15) Hail unto Creation this curse shall manifest!