This is a spell to help you relax and feel more at peace, less trapped.
2 miniature pumpkins A black felt tipped pen 1/8-teaspoon black pepper 1/8-teaspoon salt 14 tea candles
Casting Directions for ‘Pumpkin Spell'
Seven days before Halloween, hollow out both pumpkins. Write your name on the base of one pumpkin and the situation (or person) that you want to be removed from on the bottom of another pumpkin. Sprinkle the two peppers and salt at the bottom of the pumpkin of the other person or situation. Vent both pumpkins with a small-carved design (your choice). Place the tops of the pumpkins in an open plastic bag in you refrigerator. Set the two pumpkins three inches apart on a desk where they won't be disturbed. Hold your hands over the pumpkins and state:
“Pumpkin light, Witches fright
Send (name the individual situation or person) away this evening.”
Keep repeating the charm before the palm of your hands become warm or tingle. Put a tea candle in each pumpkin and light them. (Don't burn yourself) let burn for one hour. Don't leave unattended. Each evening change the candles, move the candle another inch apart, and replicate the charm. On Halloween Eve, repeat the spell. Allow the candles burn until 3:00 A.M. Don't leave the candle unattended. Put out the candles. Close up the candles with their respective lids. Bury one pumpkin on one side of the river, creek, or railroad crossing (please do not go on the tracks). Bury the other pumpkin on the other side of this river, creek, or railroad crossing. If you can not bury them throw them into a living body of water (not near each other). Do not throw the candles in the water. Throw them in a dumpster away from the residence.
Note: If something strange happens with the pumpkins that would cut your spell short (like when the pumpkin collapses), don't worry about it. This means that the spell has been activated and you don't need to continue. Dispose of the two pumpkins in the manner listed above. When my daughter does this spell, always one or another pumpkins disintegrates in less than two days (that is why I warn you to not leave the little pumpkins unattended).