Protection From an Ill-Wisher


A protection spell.

You will need the following items for this spell:

4 bits of black tourmaline 1 large piece of cardboard or paper with a big pentacle drawn on it 5 short white candles 4 little reflective pieces about 1/2″ in diameter 1 small standing mirror (such as an old compact mirror) 1 mark that will write on glass 1 brief black candle 1 pin 1 handful of a protective herb like witchbane or belladonna 1 white plastic bag

Casting Directions for ‘Protection From an Ill-Wisher'

Take your black tourmaline and put a piece in each of the four directions, if necessary taping it directly to the wall in the area where you are going to work your charm. Place your pentacle at the centre of your altar. Cast your circle.
Using the pin, carve the name f your ill-wisher into the black candle. Place in the centre of the pentacle. In each of the four points have a white candle with a small mirror attached facing the black candle. In the fifth point of the star have a little standing mirror to which you have additional sun, moon and star symbols.
Light the first white candle saying:
I call forth the light from the (direction),and with this light I repel any shadow that may be hitting me from NAME.And with this mirror I invoke the law of three representing back to him/her any energy that he could be sending to me thrice multiplied.
Light the remaining three candles, repeating your verse every time. With a fifth candle call on the center, below and above saying:
By the light of the sun, the moon and the stars:I repel any shadow which may be reaching me from NAME.And with this mirror I invoke the law of three representing back to him all energy he/she maybe sending to me thrice multiplied.
Place the fifth candle behind the mirror, light it and say:
NAME , by the seven instructions, by earth, air, water, fire, sun, moon, and stars you now find everything that you would send out to other people reflected back to you.
Light the black candle
You exist but your ideas touch none out of your circle and as this candle burns down all influence,all woe that you've worked, wanes into nothingness.
Let the candles completely burnt down and watch them very carefully, seeing that they do not set fire to the paper or make a mess with the wax from it. Eliminate the sand-up mirror if and when it becomes necessary. As the candles melt, burn a handful of protective herbs and keep the ash. When the candles all go out circle the melted wax with the ashes of the herbs and say:
Your influence has shrunk to nothing and you are restricted and defined by a circle of ashes.Your power reflects back upon itself and cannot harm anyone outside your circle of ashes.I call the guardians of the watchtower to witness that I stand outside your circle of ash and so beyond your ability to operate woe.Any coils of darkness around me have been burnt away as the candle has burnt and now from the light of the sun, moon, and stars I stand free
Fold or roll up the paper with care enclosing all of the wax, ashes and small mirror pieces. Place in the plastic bag and tie it off. Take it out and place it in the garbage many blocks away from your dwelling.
Alternatively, you can roll the paper up as above and build a bonfire on it, destroying it entirely

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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