A ritual to create positive energy
Candles x5 (One to represent each point on a pentacle. Ex: Orange for fire, blue for water, etc.)
Casting Directions for ‘Positive Energy’
Beforehand Start at 9 PM. Find a fantastic room that can only be entered though a doorway(in other words, not an open room)and has at least one window. A bedroom is fine. Open all windows in the area (Don’t open windows if it’s raining, freezing outside, etc.. Just make sure the moon shines though. Exit the room the door behind you. Dont enter the room for 3 hours. (make sure no one else enters either!) To Perform It should now be 12 AM. Reenter the room you secured earlier. Sprinkle salt into the shape of a pentacle. Place each candle in its designated spot. (Counterclockwise from top: Soul, Air, Earth, Fire, Water) Light each candle. Sit cross-legged in the center of the pentacle, facing the Soul candle. Close your eyes. You have to be completely relaxed to perform this properly, so mediate for little, until you think you are relaxed. Picture the positive energy as a glowing white ball of light. Now imagine yourself. Imagine the negative energy as a black slime dripping out of your pores into a puddle on the ground. After all the negative energy has left your body, imagine the ball of positive energy being absorbed by the negative energy, turning it into white, positive energy, creating a new, larger ball of energy. Imagine the ball spitting into sparkling dust, covering your body. Some folks feel a little tingling throughout their body. This is normal. After you’ve absorbed the energy, open your eyes. After Blow the candles out in the same sequence you lit them.Leave the space, being careful not to split to pentacle or knock any candles. Lock the room. Return to the room at noon. Clean up all of the salt and the candles, disposing them immediately.