Opening The Gates of Power


The next step after Macha's gate.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Incense symbolizing: Earth Sky and Water

Casting Directions for ‘Opening The Gates of Power'

Opening the Gates of Power

This is accomplished in much the same fashion as Machas Fence. However, for this the God Manannan Mac Lir is called upon to aid the magician. The main sources of electricity will be Both Powers as well as the joys of Land, Sea and Sky. Both Powers represent Earth and Sky, Underworld and Upperworld. Land, Sea and Sky represent the three components found in Celtic notion. Any altar used should be in the center of the working area and represent the Bil, or the World Tree, which is the middle of all things and touches all realms. As you open every gate, know it will stay open and its energies will be accessible during the whole ritual.

The prayer is: We call upon Manannan Mac Lir, Keeper of the Gates. Assist us in opening the gates into the realms of power. Keep us safe from harmful effects and allow the energies summoned be balanced and potent. Manannan… Manannan… Manannan.

Much like Machas fence, the previous three intonations of Manannans name are vibrated.

Then, face the altar, using your power hand, create a clockwise spiral motion, stating: Let this gate be opened. This altar is the Bil, the sacred Worldtree, the center about which all else revolves. Let this gate be opened. See that the altar is truly the Bil, and feel its energy.

Next look up and lift your hands. Make a clockwise spiral to the ceiling, while saying: Let this gate be opened. Power of the Upperworld descends down to Middle. Let this gate be opened. Watch energy descending down to fill the ritual area.

Next look down and lower your hands. Make a clockwise spiral to the ground, while saying: Let this gate be opened. Power of the Underworld rises to Middle. Let this gate be opened. See energy rising up to fill the ritual area.

Next, move counter-clockwise into the rock representing the Land. With your power hand, make a clockwise spiral over it while saying: Let this gate be opened. This is the Land upon which we stand. Let this gate be opened. See yourself standing on firm, stable land. Feel its power.

Next, continue to move counter-clockwise into the bowl or cauldron of water which represents the Sea. Make a spiral motion over it, clockwise, saying: Let this gate be opened. This is the Sea that surrounds us. Let this gate be opened. See yourself in a great sea, feel its power.

Now move counter-clockwise to the incense representing the Sky. Light it and create a clockwise spiral over it saying: Let this gate be opened. This is the Sky that stretches over us. Let this gate be opened. See the great expanse of the sky surrounding you, and feel its power.

The gates are now opened, and your energy sources are ready to be used in your magick. Alternatively, or in addition, you could have opened gates of the flame and well, as in ADF liturgy.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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