Nation Sack


This is a mojo bag, used by women to bind their mans nature to them. Only to be used if you love them, not wish to control them.

You may need the following items for this spell:

Red Flannel Bag
Heart Charm (optional)
Magnetic Sand
Dragons Blood
Licorice Root
Calamus Root
Two silver dimes (One from your birth year and one for the fans birth year)
White Cotton String
Follow Me Boy Oil
Menstrual Blood
Your Lovers Concerns
Red Candle
A Saucer

Casting Instructions for ‘Nation Sack’

Start on the day you receive your monthly period. (if you’re past the change or do not have periods for medical reasons, use your vaginal fluids and do so at the full moon.)

Sew the heart charm onto the flannel bag, to signify it’s a love mojo bag. Insert the lodestone sand, dragons blood, calamus root and licorice root into the red bag.

Write his name 9 times. Put his name paper under the overturned saucer.

Split his name going around and around in a spiral. Dress the candle and Follow me Boy Oil.

Place the candle on top of the overturned saucer, saying, “[Name of lover], come under my control” and light the candle.

Dress the dimes together with your monthly period and Follow me Boy Oil. As you do so, call them and your titles, saying “This is [his name]” and “This is [your name].” Set before the burning candle.

Dress the Queen Elizabeth Root along with your blood and the High John the Conqueror Root and with Follow me Boy Oil. As you do that, call them by his and your names, stating “This is [his name]” and “This is (your name].” Place on his dime and your root on yours.

Put his’ personal items .

Dress the bag with Follow me Boy Oil, stroking it 9 times and saying, “[Name of lover], follow me.” Pass the bag through the candle smoke 9 times stating, “[Name of lover], come to me.”

Put the dimes and roots in the bag saying, “[Name of lover], remain with me”

When the candle is done burning, take the title paper from beneath the saucer and fold it toward you, saying “[Name of lover], follow me.” Turn it and fold it toward you stating, “[Name of lover], come to me.” Put it in the Nation Sack stating, “[Name of lover], stay with me.”

Eliminate any left over candle wax at a crossroads, throwing it to the East (toward sunrise) on your left shoulder and walking away without looking back.

When you are with him, from this time carry the Nation Sack on you or keep it in your bedroom where he won’t touch or see it.

Add personal things to it when you can. Here is the best one of all, and this is what ties a nature

Get a piece of cotton string that is soft. Measure off a length as long as his erect penis. Tie a knot in the middle of the string – that is, make the knot but leave it loose and untied’s start.

Hide the string or in the restroom.

Make love with him but don’t come (you want only HIS character within this charm). Wipe his semen onto the string until it’s soaked into it.

Now wait until he falls asleep. When he has drifted off, hold the series. Call his name, and pull the knot tight, as he replies.

One knot is sufficient, although some girls will put 9 knots in a string this way to actually hoodoo the nature of their man.

Place this in your Country Sack and he will always be yours.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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