Come To Love


This is a very simple love spell.

You will need the following items for this spell:

A rose-quarts crystal
A transparent glass filled with water
An pink or emerald green candle
A small bowl
A piece of parchment paper
Pink or green ink pen

Casting Directions for ‘Come To Me Love’

This spell may be worked within or without a magick circle, and should be performed on a night of the full moon. Place in the glass of purified water and set it outside in light of the entire moon for many hours. Carve your name and your planned into the top half of the candle while visualizing an image of your intended’s title. Stand and secure the candle in the bowl so that it won’t topple over.

Write your names on the parchment paper with the pen, encircling it while imagining your hearts desire being attracted to you. Tear the parchment into small pieces and mix the pieces collectively visualizing any reluctance on his part being torn away and your meeting and joining together in happiness. Scatter the pieces to the bottom of the bowl all around the candle.

Retrieve the glass of water from outside and light the candle. Call the Goddess or God to help your spell, or call other deities such as “Aphrodite” if you wish to be more specific. Build and raise your personal power while visualizing your intent, and infuse the water with your energy saying or chanting something like:

My hearts desire I call to thee, Come to me.
Pour to the candle bowl dribbling it when imagining it pops your intent up. Drink the remainder of the water visualizing your goal being accomplished discharge and direct your energy to its goal. Finish your rite with wine and sandwiches ground and to banish any remnants of energy, then thank God, the Goddess, or other deities for their help.

Allow the candle to burn until the water extinguishes its own flame. The rest of the candle re-used and can be saved, but pour the water and soaked up paper outside onto bare earth to disperse it obviously. Magick is done.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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