This is a spell for those ambitious witches that are married and want a baby…
It is Explained in instructions
Casting Instructions for ‘Multiple Baby Conceiving Spells’
Spell to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby
If you are concerned that your unborn child may be sick or be born with an inherited problem, cut an apple in half. Take one half and rub the fruit over your belly. Envision any illness being drawn from your womb and from your child, and to the fruit. When you are done, bury that tainted half an apple in the floor, away from your child’s nursery window. Then go wash up, you are probably all sticky.
If a tree grows from the seeds left in the apple, this is an indication that your child will be very strongly linked to the element of Earth, and will never know hunger.
Eat the remaining half when envisioning your baby being born healthy and happy. You may want to light a green, pine-scented candle while doing this. Green candles are wonderful for healing spells, and pine is associated with Earth and fertility. If you’re allergic or can not eat apples, throw it out, but take the time to perform the visualization.
(The apple doesn’t have to be green. I just used a picture of green apples.)
Spell to Conceive a Son
During your most fertile time organize three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a yellow one (Sun), to the left a green one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Rain). These are the symbols of the Father. Take a dried Oak Leaf and in red ink write the following: “Sow in my uterus a son as tall and healthy as the mighty Oak”. Place the leaf in the center of the triangle. Then place an acorn on top of the leaf, repeating the following:
“From this seed is born the Holy Oak
From this marriage is born my beloved Son”
Envision a tree growing, from the first shoots pushing through lush soil, the slender sapling, all of the way up until the tree stands proud and strong. Its leafy arms spread over you. Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, sunlight shining through here and there. Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the tree, gently cradled in the protruding roots. Picture him as you would like your son to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few minutes.
When you are ready, take the acorn and set it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before trying to conceive, replicate, using new candles but the same leaf and acorn.
Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the sex you seek. This means that you might not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite sex! So think long and hard about using this spell.
Spell to Conceive a Daughter
During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a silver one (Moon), to the left a brown one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Water). These are the symbols of the Mother. Have a rose (blossom only) and place it in the middle of the triangle. Using a thorn in the rose stem, prick your finger and squeeze three drops of blood on top of the bloom. Repeating the following:
“Sweet as the rose may be, and as powerful as the thorn
From this marriage of flesh and soul, my daughter is born”
Visualize a rose bush growing and flowering before you. Its blossoms smell sweet and the thorns are proof that lady is both beautiful and strong. Soft and strong. Hold this image in your head for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, butterflies drifting round the blossoms. Now, picture a baby lying in the bottom of the bush, gently cradled by the bending stems and buds. Picture her as you would like your daughter to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few minutes.
When you are ready, take the rose and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before trying to conceive, repeat using new candles and a fresh rose blossom.
Bear in mind, this spell increases the probability of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the possible child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.
Spell to Improve Chances of Conceiving a Child
Fill a warm (not too hot) bath and add 3 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of orange oil and 3 drops of lime oil. Take turns bathing one another thoroughly (no soap, only a clean cloth and the scented water), until the water warms. About thirty minutes. After you’ve bathed and before love making, each of you should drink a half a cup (4 oz.) Of caffeinated coffee or tea. Caffeine improves sperm motility in males and studies have shown women who consume this amount of caffeinated tea daily improve chances to conceive up to 200%.
After making love, the male should place several pillows beneath the lady’s hips, tipping her pelvis up and back. This makes it easier for the sperm to travel to the ovum. To help alleviate the discomfort this embarrassing position can cause, he must remain with her and massage her feet and calves. This stimulates blood flow through out the body including the womb. This position should be held for thirty minutes.