This is a jar charm to draw money.
1 glass jar with metal lid 1 green candle 1 green ink pen 1 piece of parchment paper A 100 dollar bill or largest currency you can afford 1 black tourmaline stone 1 Tigers eye rock Ginseng root High John the Conquer root Cinnamon powder All spice powder Thyme leaves Patchouli oil A green votive candle A sharks tooth or increased thorn(optional) Frankincense incense Sage smudge stick A green series
Casting Directions for ‘Money Jar’
This spell Is intended to be throw. Work with the moon cycle. If its waning, its a spell to banish debts, if its a waxing moon, its a charm to bring wealth. New or full moon cast to draw cash.
Clean your stones in salt water. Charge them by holding them and meditating on them, imagine you are energizing them with your life force. In your mind imagine them glowing in your hands and feel the feeling of the energy on your hands and arms.
Then smudge your jar and area with the sage. As you do so, concentrate on cleansing out all negative energy, spirits. Declare the distance is free of anything that will interfere with your own fortune. Smudge the interior of the jar by allowing the smoke wisp up into it.
To the jar, now add the cinnamon powder, the ginseng root, all spice, and thyme.Grind some High john the Conquer to the jar as well. Set the stones in the jar. On the parchment write the next.
Money money come my way
Fortune and gain be here to stay.
I command you to full fill my desire.
Of this I do not from greed.
For good tidings it’s Ill share
The wealth will expand to people whom I care.
Now draw a 6 pointed star, like the Star of David. At the far left point, draw an A. in the top right point, draw an S.At the bottom right point, draw an M. At the bottom point, draw an O, in the bottom left point, draw an N. end by drawing an eye inside the tiny top triangle. ( like you see on the dollar bill Pyramid).
Carve dollar signs into the green candle with the sharks tooth, or rose thorn. Anoint it with the patchouli oil.
At just before midnight, light the frankincense incense on your alter. Meditate on the spell working, imagine money coming for you, your needs are taken care of, you have more money then you require. Imagine that you’re helping your loved ones and friends and they’re appreciative. Imagine an unbroken cycle of sharing and wealth coming full circle as these people are helping others and the money coming back to you, threefold.
Hold the jar overhead, and and invoke your spirits or the Gods, or Goddesses you patronize. Command them to perform your bidding. Read the parchment aloud. Now roll it with the money and tie it with the green string. Put in the jar and put the lid on. Light the green candle.