fulfillment of a wish
2 magnets (preferably one of them was horizontal, but not mandatory) 1 sheet of white paper 1 box of crayons (colours) 1 white candle
Casting Instructions for “‘Magnets” Wish spell’
One of the magnets (smaller) placed on yourself. You can put it in a bag and set it on your neck or wrist, wrap the thread and attach to a belt, put it in his pocket. In short, it must be your magnet, for it is to him you will attract your desire.
As part of an organized ritual area (on the altar, or being in a circle) light a white candle. Looking at it, visualize your wish, allow the candle will allow you to see its clear, clean, uncomplicated by other ideas. Concentrate on it, examine its implementation, feel the joy of being accomplished that desired.
Considering the accomplishment of his plans paint a leaf, choosing the ideal color pencils, depending on how you see your desire. Do not remember the color matching, even if your choice will be dictated by intuition. Draw the image of fulfilled desire vividly as possible. You can paint whole foliage, color the area, the wish to identify any symbols.
As soon as you have fixed his wish on the newspaper, wrap the paper the second (flat) magnet. Now he is your wish that you only pull. Take the magnet, which until then was with you, saying, “I see what I need. I know what to pull” Consider the performance of wish and gradually hold a magnet wrapped in a newspaper to the fact that he had just obtained. The closer the magnets come together, the more clearly you’ve got a wish to leave, painted on paper. When you feel you could see it quite clearly, hold the magnets together and allow them to connect.
The magnets can be kept at home (to keep the altar or in a special box, etc.). But even better to carry around, particularly in areas associated with the implementation of the wish (on the job if it was on the service increase, to a party, if the goal – to meet and attract the attention of the ideal person, etc.).