This isn't a spell, but I hope you read this as it is something that will help you about spells and something I consider to be important to recall while casting any spell. This is a monologue by me to you
Belief Trust
Casting Directions for ‘Magick and Spell Casting'
Many people (especially on this site) will state that transformation spells are fake, so I would like to clear up things.
Any spell works, and it's a truth.
I'll be bashed or hated for saying this, but it is accurate, any spell, transformational or summoning spell, functions!
I will quote someone who posted on this site:
“Faith is greatest tool in magic!
Even those that look like spells that are fake can be done with sufficient faith
Emotions are frquency. We are but spirits having physical experiences. Emotions affect spells so be cautious.
Also, visualization is Crucial to compeling any charm”
And it's indeed true.
The best key in spell is “belief”.
Without doubt, spell is no more no less than set of empty words which show nothing.
Also, I'd like quote somebody else
“I just recently learnt that charms are like recipe books – you take what you know from the spell and include what you would like, whether it's just change of words, ingredients or methods…”
And I will quote someone else who has helped me a lot by this:
“Passion fuels a charm; uncertainty kills it.
Spell can be performed almost anywhere – though I don't recommend performing them at middle of rush hour. Where you won't be disturbed at 12, you will need to work.
Once you've cast a spell, do not talk, nor think about it, for 24 hours. (However, I am uncertain how to think about this as some people suggest rather thinking about spell to increase belief).
An old axiom says spells should ryhme. A rhymed spell has joyfullness and ryhtm and is a lot easier to memorize.
Spell is only to restrain yourself, not others; not cast spell on someone else without their permission”
What are all these things I offered?
Well, keys to spell casting.
You may hear people say spells do not work, people who don't believe in transformation spells, individuals who do not believe in magick, but magick exists. People will not agree with me, people will say I am 10-year old who's living in movies too much, but I am not.
I understand what I am saying.
Magick is belief, and belief is vital to all spells you can imagine.
So try following what I said and try casting a spell.
Magick and casting spells is like closing your eyes and throwing yourself, knowing that someone will catch you. That is what it is to cast a spell.
When you fall, you just know spell will not let you hit the ground, but will grab you instead.
Transformation spells, love spells, fantasy spells… it doesn't matter. Any of them work. They call people who believe in transformation spell fluffies – morons. I just think they don't believe enough.
Oh, and also, I am against love spells.
Because it's never true love.
I am not a love favouriser as I hate romance things, so I can not really talk about this nor give you good advices, so best advice I can provide you that love spells are not true love spells.
Anyway, back to my point.
People might say I should stop lying. But I should say same for them. This is not children game, I know what I am writing.
Also, 1 tip from me.
Please, write your own charm.
Do not say something like “I can not I suck”
Yes you can! If you really want it, you will have the ability to put work in it and you'll make a successful spell, since it came from you, from your heart. While making a spell, do not you dare think for moment it won't work! Believe with all your heart. Passion fuels spells, doubt kills them.
You can create any kind of spell and you can become what you would like. Believe in it. Okay?
Put emotions in the spell. Happiness! Passion! Feel happy as you'll become what you want soon, once you create a spell of yours. You can do some other spell, of course, but perfect spell can only be produced by us, because we think it is simply… perfect.
Have nice days!