Increasing Confidence


This spell is designed to boost that self-belief.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Purple Candles (as many as you like) Rose Essential Oil Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Rose Quartz or Amethyst Crystal Mirror

Casting Instructions for ‘Increasing Confidence'

Occasionally people around us – maybe a relative, a spiteful ex-lover or a colleague – may damage our self-esteem. We look at media ideals of loveliness and feel we are far from the image of perfection made by a society that worships youth.
But if we could only believe in ourselves and love ourselves, hey presto, we radiate our own unique beauty and others are attracted to us, as of this powerful but indefinable personal magnetism. This spell is intended to boost that self-belief.
* Around your bathroom, light purple candles, placed safely so that they cast pools of light on the water when you fill the bath.

* Let the water run and then switch off the taps and add five drops of rose essential oil and five of ylangylang, dropping them in the pools of light.

Amethyst or quartz crystal rose to strengthen self-love and acceptance.

* Lie in the water and swirl the light pools in turn, which makes an affirmation for every one, for instance:

I exist, I'm unique, lam of worth, I have many gifts [name them], I appreciate myself, Hove myself, I am
complete in myself, I treasure what I have and what I am, as I am right now.

* Continue to swirl the light, visualising it flowing within you, which makes you a body of light and loveliness.

* Finally, make a wish on your own in each light pool.

* When you are ready, wrap yourself in a soft towel or robe and take the plug out, saying:

Sorrow and doubts, stream from me, what I wish, I could be.

Look at yourself in the mirror framed by light and you will see how your inner radiance creates true beauty that cannot fade.

* Carry the candles into your bedroom or living room and spend the remainder of the evening reading a particular book, listening to music or just dreaming of golden tomorrows as you gaze into the light.


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Spells Of Magic

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