Is Today Your Birthday?
For best results over the coming 12 months you must try to be a bit more positive when dealing with people in positions of power. They’re really not that different to you – in fact in some important ways you can claim to be better.
The Sun’s move into the most open and outgoing area of your chart on Tuesday will bring back a smile to your face. Over the next 48 hours though you may need to tie up a few financial loose ends. Start the new phase free of money worries.
What happens today and tomorrow will surely convince you that so many of your so-called problems and issues are not worth worrying about. The world is what you choose to make of it Pisces, so choose to love and learn. Laughing helps too.
Your luck will turn for the better when the Sun joins both Mercury and Venus in your birth sign on Tuesday. There were one or two moments in recent weeks when you almost gave up but you stayed the course and pretty soon you’ll be top dog again.
Someone needs your assistance and being such a nice guy you will come to their aid at once. You may or may not be able to solve their dilemma but your willingness to help will be appreciated – and suitably rewarded further down the line.
You may seem a bit too laidback for some people’s tastes but appearances can be deceptive and beneath that calm exterior you are plotting and planning and waiting for the right moment to make your move. That moment will come very soon, so be ready.
Cancer is a cardinal sign and ambitious by nature and no matter how many times you may have failed in the past you are sure to succeed in major ways over the next few weeks. Something else worth noting about your sign is that you never give up.
You may have been a bit cautious in recent weeks but that will change when the Sun moves into your fellow Fire sign of Aries on Tuesday. Between now and then start making plans. Make them big. Make them huge. Make them humungous.
You have been rather generous in recent weeks but now you have no choice but to put your own needs first. That applies as much to your emotions as it does to your cash. There is only so much you have to give and your reserves are running low.
If you have fallen behind in your work you must catch up today and tomorrow. Come Tuesday, when the Sun moves into your opposite sign, there will be other matters – relationships in particular – that demand your time and attention, so get busy.
If your energy takes a bit of a dive over the next few days you should take that as a sign that you are doing too much and pushing yourself too hard. If you don’t slow down willingly now events may slow you down unwillingly later on.
Your self-belief has flagged a bit of late but when the Sun moves in your favor on Tuesday your spirits will soar. But don’t go from one extreme to the other and believe you can do anything you please – you may get a painful reminder that you cannot.
You are actually quite a sensitive soul under that robust exterior and what happens over the coming week will affect you deeply. No doubt you will put on a brave face as always but if you need a shoulder to cry on (in private) you know who to go to.