Herbs and Oils


These are a blend of oils and powders used in most magic formulas.

You will need the following items for this spell:

See list below.

Casting Directions for ‘Hebs ard Herbs’

Annointing Oil

1/8 cup base oil
5 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Cedarwood
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lemon
Use for general ritual anointing functions.
Annointing Oil

5 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Cedarwood
1 drop Orange
1 drop Lemon
Use for ritual anointing functions. .
Annointing Oil

5 drops Myrrh
2 drops Cinnamon
Annointing OIl

Olive Oil
1 Cup Myrrh, Powdered
1 T. Cinnamon
Add herbs to Olive Oil. Seal in a tight jar, let sit for 30 days. Strain through a cheesecloth and use for anointing candles or your own body before rituals.
General Annointing Oil

5 parts Frankincense
5 parts Cedarwood
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Myrrh
Add a tiny Amethyst crystal to the jar
All nPurpose Annointing Oil

Patchouli 1/4 oz.
Verbena 1/32 oz.
Cinnamon 1/16 oz.
Protection Oil

Use a base oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba, sesame, etc..
To the oil include any three of the following: rue, rosemary, angelica, bay, basil, fennel, sage, mugwort, Vervain.
Use either the entire herb or a pure essential oil.
Allow te herbs to mix and steep in the oil for 1 week. Handle the jar frequently, projecting protective energy to the mixture. Recommend you make this oil during a waning moon but you can also create your own timing judgement.
Blessing Oil

1 to 4 lavender blossoms
2 drops every sage, basil, patchouli essential oil
Carrier oil (can be olive used for protection, almond, sunflower, etc..)
Choose a tiny dark vial. Put all the oil in the vial together, then add enough oil to fill the bottle. Shake thoroughly. Use for anointing ritual candles, self, consecrating tools, etc.. Lavender is there for purification, happiness, love, and peace; Basil brings protection and love; Sage brings warmth, protection, healing, wealth, longevity; Patchouli brings prosperity, wards off evil and negativity, aids divination.
All them are desirable generic attributes so makes a good mix for general functions. Great fhor keeping on your personal altar for magical workings.
Blessing Oil

Frankincense Tears Benzoin Gum, crushed Essential Oil of Benzoin
Rose scent, which can be one or more of them: Essential Oil of Roses (Rose Otto), Essential Oil of Rose Geranium, Rose Fragrance (synthetic) Rose Petals
Top with carrier oil (e.g. almond oil which has been dosed with Vitamin E)
You could also add Vitamin E oil for the same purpose.
Banishing Oil

1/2 oz olive oil
15 drops pine oil
12 drops rue oil
7 drops pepper oil
10 drops peppermint oil crushed black peppercorns obsidian or black onyx
Some of these oils are volatile. Do not anoint yourself with Banishing
oil. You could burn yourself. Wash your hands after using.
Easier Banishing oil is crushed garlic in olive or base oil and pine needles left in sunlight in a jar for a day or so and strained through cheesecloth or a coffee filte.

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